This offer is addressed to those who due to the distance from the owned residence or lack of time do not want to or are not able to supervise the performance of Tenancy Agreement.
The range of responsibilities is established by means of determining the individual client’s preferences. It may include the following proceedings:
• Execution of Tenant Agreement on behalf of Employer, receipt of security deposit
• Transfer of Premises to the Tenant by means of Delivery-Acceptance Report
• Supervision of Tenant’s fees settlement related to the maintenance of Premises (utilities delivery, condo fee)
• Supervision of current failures removal, including supervision of possible clearing works
• Receipt of Tenant’s applications, letters and remarks; reporting to the Employer about any troubles arising during the rental period
• Termination of Tenant Agreement on behalf of the owner in specific cases stipulated in the Agreement
• Handover of the Premises from the Tenant by means of Delivery-Acceptance Report; settlement of security deposit in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the Agreement; settlement of utilities delivery with Tenant
• Documents management and archiving related to rented premises, including Tenancy Agreement, accounts and letters.